Here to Stay?
Identity, citizenship and belonging
among settled Eastern European migrant
children and young people in the UK
Polish Migration from the perspective of 2017

, 04/05/2017
UCL London

We were very pleased to present emerging findings from our survey with young people born in Central and Eastern Europe and now living in the UK at this event organised by our supporter and member of our advisory group, Prof Anne White, at the UCL in London.

Despite the cold winds of Brexit, Polish migration research continues to blossom. Myths about Polish migrants pervade politics and the media, but more and more good information is available, as numerous research projects have been completed in recent years.

The last SSEES Polish migration conference, in April 2015, focused on integration, settlement and opportunities for transnational practices within the EU free movement area. In 2017, these themes are equally relevant for Poles in their everyday lives, but so too are the insecurities engendered by Brexit and by anti-immigration sentiment across Europe.

This conference brings together scholars working on Poland, the UK, Norway and New Zealand to discuss the findings of several collaborative, funded projects, as well many individual ones, and to explore new concepts and methodologies in migration research.

See the event programme here:


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